About us
“Bilans” d.o.o. has an expert team consisting of :
General Information:
- The decision on registration at the Municipal Courtin Sarajevo No.065-0-Reg-10-002257
- The decision on registration at the Chamber of Auditors of FBiH No.R-10-58/11
- License for the Audit Company “Bilans”d.o.o. No.: 9420372004
- Identification No.:4200249410008
- VAT No.:200249410008
- Insurance of responsibility from activities - Sarajevo osiguranje d.d. Sarajevo
- Transaction account No.1990490005189450 - Sparkasse Bank Sarajevo
Below we will present thekey factors that represent our capability and experience necessary to perform audit services.
Honesty and moral integrity
Our conduct is determined by our honesty and moral integrity.
Professional conduct
We do business in accordance with the existing laws and within their spirit.
We introduce appropriate skills and capacities in each work we perform for our clients.
We are objective in creating our professional opinion and advise we offer.
We respect confidentiality of the entrusted information.
Correct dealings
We follow the correct business practices.
Responsibility to society
We recognize and accept the influence that we have on social environment.